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Sustainable Staffing will be visiting the MCC Campus on April 13 from 5pm until 7pm at the junction of C, D and E buildings. This MCC Campus Visit will feature many of the skilled trades positions we have available in McHenry County. We are also bringing a selection of entry level and clerical positions for those inclined to that type of work.

Thank you to everyone that stopped by our table at MCC. We hope that the information you picked up is valuable in growing your career. If you were unable to stop by our table, we still have many positions available. Just follow THIS LINK to see our current openings.

Sustainable Staffing is proud of all of the students attending MCC. Your dedication to education and self-empowerment is what helps make our communities grow. We are here for you when you are ready to take what you have learned out into the world. Come see us, stop by our offices in McHenry and Harvard or give us a call at 815-560-0037 and we will help you take the next step toward your career goals. We look forward to our next MCC Campus Visit next semester and the Fall Career Fair. Hope to see you there!


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